Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator

USD to EUR exchange rate calculator

Currency calculator online

The Currency Converter offers exchange rates for approximately 165 international Fiat & Cryptocurrencies. Select your desired source and destination currency in the two lists of the currency converter and enter the desired amount to get the current exchange rate. The results of the currency converter are available in a clear tabular form.

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About the currency calculator

The currency converter from is the ideal tool for traders, travelers and online shoppers.
With the currency converter you can convert amounts between arbitrary currencies at lightning speed. A total of 160+ different crypto & fiat currencies are available for the currency converter.
Select Start & Target Currency from the list and enter the desired amount in the field provided. After confirmation, the currency converter will give you a result immediately. The result delivered by the currency converter is displayed in a clear tabular form.

General information on currencies

People have been using currencies since the 3rd century BC. In the form of metals such as copper, silver, tin, gold and grain as exchange, means of payment, value meter & value store.
The first coined coins have been around for 2,500 years and paper money for about 1,000 years. There are over 160 Fiat currencies that can be traded on the foreign exchange market under constantly changing exchange rates. The foreign exchange market implements a larger trading volume than the credit or stock market. The most important currencies in the world are the US dollar ($), the euro (€), the pound sterling (£) and the Japanese yen (¥).